Import assets from AWS environment


Strobes makes it easy for you to import your cloud assets from your AWS environment. Not just that, you have the option to fetch the assets in a timely manner. 


Usage flow instructions

  • Before you do anything, you must add your AWS credentials to the platform.
  • To do that, login into your account and navigate to the Credential Manager page under Settings.

  • Click on Add credential button and select AWS Manager from the dropdown. Provide the necessary details and click Save.

  • Strobes will verify the details and create a Credential for you to reuse with AWS Asset Inventory Connector.

  • Now, head over to the Asset Inventory under the Category page click on AWS Asset Inventory Connector.

  • In Step One, enter the configuration name and click Next.

  • In Step Two, select the credentials that you have added previously.

  • Choose your asset merging options.
  • You also have the option of fetching the assets frequently.
  • Once you are done, click Submit to create the configuration.
  • Now, you can click on Sync now to fetch the asset on-demand basis, or if you have scheduled when the configuration gets triggered, Strobes will import the assets from your AWS environment.

  • Once the sync is done, you will get to see how many assets Strobes imported onto the platform.

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