Release Notes 2022-02-04

Strobes App


  • You can now add your Bio, Designation, Certifications, Linkedin and Twitter profiles in your Strobes profile.
  • An error message gets displayed now if a web/mobile/cloud asset is selected for an InsightVM Scan configuration.

Bug Fixes

  • When a tag was added while configuring an InsightVM scan, that tag was not getting added to the vulnerabilities imported from the scanner. A fix has been pushed and now the assigned tag will get added to the vulnerabilities imported through InsightVM.
  • Previously the CVE input field was not expecting the input to be in the specific format 'CVE-xxxx-xxxxx' and as a result it was possible to feed improper CVE input. A regex has been written now to avoid adding invalid CVEs.
  • Previously it was possible to create an InsightVM configuration with no network assets in the selected view. Now only network assets have to be selected in the view.
  • Previously within the InsightVM configuration the option to configure/update a notification tool like Slack was present but the configuration was not working. It has now been fixed and is working as expected.
  • Previously the InsightVM configuration had the option to edit the settings of configuration but it was not working. It has now been fixed and you can edit/update your InsightVM configuration settings.
  • Previously in the InsightVM configuration even if the 'Merge Assets' option was selected as 'No' it was defaulting to 'Yes'. It has now been fixed.
  • Previously the vertical scroll bar was not getting displayed when viewing all the logs for tasks. It has been fixed now and you can scroll through all the logs.
  • Minor Bug fixes.
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